In case you missed it, 卫生局局长办公室发布了一份关于工作场所和心理健康的报告,题为The U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being.“该报告指出,工作场所的心理健康和福祉是公共卫生的优先事项,因为它影响到一切,包括个人, their families, their communities, organizational productivity, business results, and the nation as a whole.

该报告确定了五个主要领域,称为工作场所心理健康的五个要素 & Well-Being, which are Protection from Harm, Connection & 社区,工作与生活的和谐,工作中的重要性,以及成长的机会.  With these Five Essentials in mind, organizational leaders can strengthen and update programs, policies, 工作场所的一般做法关注员工的心理健康和幸福. 这份报告也很有见地,告知最新的实物房地产, workplace design, 以及为更好的员工体验服务的投资组合.


Understanding the Essentials

How to Implement these Essentials in the Workplace

Now that we see the importance of these essentials, it’s time to update our workplaces to foster these concepts. KGO的战略和咨询团队就如何更新您的空间提出了四点建议,以保持这些要点.

Set a Logical Flow, Circulation, and Zones for Work & Restorative Needs

During planning phase of your office design, 确保人流和循环引导人们进入特定的工作区域, communal, and social spaces, which will contribute to a sense of physical safety. 这样做的目的是把办公室设计得离员工不远, disconnected, or too remote, which would comprise their safety.

Additionally, careful planning will uncover ways to implement major work, collaboration, social, and restorative areas that are logical, usable, and accessible to all employees. 这在宏观层面有利于整体设计布局,在微观层面有利于社区空间的安排.

规划和分区你的办公室设计并不需要密集的办公室, cubicles, and conference rooms. 这种方式的致密化并不能提高占用率和利用率. In fact, planning zones with a mix of work, collaborative, social, 与超密集的办公室布局相比,恢复性区域的员工利用率高出8%至13%.

Office Collaboration

Implement a Variety of Spaces

Different tasks require different environments. By offering a variety of spaces, such as open collaboration areas, private meeting rooms, quiet zones, and relaxation areas, 员工可以灵活地选择最适合自己需求的空间. This can help improve their well-being, reduce stress, 并通过创造有利于集中工作的365买球来提高工作效率, collaboration, and creativity.

unique office space

When planning your office, 专注于提供各种支持一般生产力的空间, collaboration, socialization, learning, restorative time, brainstorming, deep thinking, and focus. 此外,员工可以有空间找到避难所,集中注意力,并练习个人正念.

As an added bonus, 创造一个满足不同工作风格和偏好的工作场所有助于提高员工的敬业度和满意度. 当员工觉得他们的工作365买球支持他们的需求和偏好时, they are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and satisfied with their job. 反过来,这可以提高保留率,鼓舞士气,提高员工的整体幸福感.

Support Your Desired Sense of Community

When done well, 工作场所的设计可以传达员工是重要的, contributes to employees’ felling of dignity, conveys an emotionally intelligent experience, 并有助于在组织和个人层面上传递一种强烈的使命感.

在最初的规划过程中,定义和确定组织的各个方面,这些方面应该出现在设计所需的社区意识中,这是至关重要的. Qualities for the sense of community, such as celebrative, collegial, communicative, and promoting a sense of choice, 是否应该尽早考虑并重新审视以确保在设计过程中满足这些品质.


Understand Employee Occupancy & Utilization Rates

Before the pandemic, 公司和机构的入住率和利用率在70%至80%之间达到峰值. Post-pandemic, 员工对办公空间的使用是根据最适合执行特定工作任务的地方而变化的.g., at home, remotely, or in the office).

考虑到占用和利用的规划可以帮助为这种工作设定方面, restorative needs, 和社区意识,办公室应该为员工服务. 最终的结果是提供一个员工渴望的365买球和氛围, 对于何时以及在多大程度上扩大办公室以满足未来的增长,要考虑得更周到.  



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